Beer Battered Fish Taco - Breaded Cod

~Beer Battered Fish Tacos~ This is my favorite fish taco recipe I have tried. We've made these tacos on numerous occasions and we'll make them on many more! It's so easy and you can get the ingredients at any grocery store. Let's get to it: Ingredients: 1 box of beer-battered cod (in the frozen fish section - trust me it's delicious for frozen fish) 1 bag of coleslaw mix (by the lettuce) 1 bottle of coleslaw dressing (in the ranch isle) Aioli chipotle dressing (in the ranch isle) One or two sliced cucumber(s) Mexican corn salsa (in the jarred salsa isle) A package of taco sized tortillas **First things first** ~Get your coleslaw mixed up and into the fridge at least a few hours before~ How to prepare: It's so easy! And will only take you the 20-25 minutes the fish needs to bake! Pop that fish onto a cookie sheet lined with non-stick foil or spray lightly with cooking spray (this is important) and set your timer to b...